Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sick and Tired

f you are reading this,then congratulations, you have reached the point of Return. You are the people/ or the person who have/has decided that you are sick and tired, of being sick and tired. You are ready to do something about your condition. You are ready to live again. There is an old saying that goes "We are the food we eat!" If this is so then WE are in SO MUCH TROUBLE. The last time, you made a trip to the grocery store, what did you bring home? Back before I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, this was our typical grocery list:

1. milk
2. flour
3. eggs
4. cheese
5. butter
6. peas
7. beans
8. meat
9. cornflakes
10. macaroni
11. coffee
12. veggies
13. snacks

We still purchase most of these items however most of them we purchase a healthier alternative.

Milk- We purchase products that come from the local farmers if we are purchasing since we mainly use soymilk. This is to avoid the amount of hormones that are continuously pumped into the cows, which stay in the meat and is also transfered to the milk they produce.

These hormones are ARTIFICIAL meaning, "COOKED UP IN A LAB", in short, "NOT GOOD" These artificially created hormones are sneaky little (excuse the language) bastards that wreak havoc with both human and animal bodies.
It starts off when we are yet babies and after our mother's milk, we start getting fed cow's milk. However, old Betsy is no longer Old Betsy. Y'see, when betsy was just a wee lil calf, the farmer decided it was time for her to grow up over night. So Old farmer Tom turned betsy into a hormone junkie overnight.He started injecting Betsy with rBGH and BGH "and all the good stuff"(which will cut down her possible 25 years to approximately 1/5th of that i.e. 4 or 5 years.) Over time, young Betsy's body physically developed. She was now a baby and milk factory.Those of her kids that she was artificially inseminated with who survived were either shipped off for Veal (if male) or be pumped with hormones like her mom (if female). When Betsy could no longer make babies and produced milk. Her haggared hide is shipped off to make "Feed" for other cows and "low-grade" burgers. AND IT IS STILL HAPPENING TODAY.
As young people, we become OVER-DEVELOPED well before our time. Our hormones starts to race all around 8-9 years. Our genitalia are ready for action although WE ARE JUST KIDS. Our little girls are "welcoming womanhood" and look the part also whilst they are still kids. Our little boys are welcoming "manhood" as well at these ages. And the only examples they have to follow are appauling and ludicrous so they often end up playing House for real except they want a REAL BABY. Hence kid fathers and mothers. And this, this great Evil, starts with the legion of hormones in the milk and meat that WE allow them to consume. be continued.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How this all started

t's kind of hard to even begin to explain where this all started. I thought this all started when I found out that my mom was afflicted with what people may call a death sentence, Breast Cancer. The big C. I was DEAD WRONG. It started hundreds of generations ago when people were still able to physically/audibly hear God's voice.There were illnesses and sicknessed BUT the great physicians cured from Kings to Paupers using the herbs and "wild weeds" that was growing all around.

Today these same "wild weeds" and these healing plants(herbs) are helping people reap the phenomenal benefits that was always intended for them to help them combat with the man-made evils that manifests itself in this world such as heart diseases, cancers, high blood pressure, diabeties and even touchy topics like HIV/AIDS. Not to mention ADHD,ADD,autism, asthma etc.

Back to How this all started:
For me it started when I found out that my mom was carrying breast cancer for the last 8-9 years. According to her, 8-9 years ago she discovered her a little lump whilst doing a self examination. Over time, the lump grew and as it grew it not only turned painful but also turned the entire breast into one painful mass. Already with a mass dislike for doctors[(white-coat syndrome) thank you western world], there was no way she was going there. I guess it terrified her for a few reasons (1) her mother had breast cancer and went through the chemo and of course when the cancer became resistant they sent her home to die and I guess she vowed that if she ever got it, there was no way no how she was going through that much pain (2) She couldn't even look at the word 'Cancer' without turning the page or looking away (3) my brother and I were quite young then (my older brother not even 15 then) and (4) we were scrambling as it was.

One day, she saw the word 'Cancer' again but this time around, someone said "STOP! Read this article". And so her journey to being cancer free began..oops.. I mean "spontaneous healing". According to the instructions, she was to make a tincture which would make her feel upset when all the cancer cells were gone. This along with a powerful seaweed extract called modifilan she was able over the course of 9 months to COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL TRACES OF CANCER.

A miracle? maybe. Or probably the power of the right medicine. Mind you, in addition to being strict with the regiment, A COMPLETE DIETARY LIFESTYLE CHANGE TOOK PLACE.
Among the changes included the complete removal of sugar because CANCER FEEDS OFF OF SUGAR. In addition to this processed foods were also removed along with anything that contained the words "high fructose", "hydrogenated", "hydrolyzed", "msg","monosodium glutamate". No smoked meats (the smokey taste is carcinogenic(cancer-causing).

Monday, May 18, 2009


Hi All,
I just wanted to pass on this rather disturbing but real aritcle about why your veggies are no longer safe. It is located here: MSG on Your Veggies,Nuts Grain etc.
I would have like to post the article directly here but due to some formatting issues this cannot be done presently. For the time being see site for the article.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Death, Pain,Misery and Despair

Death, Pain, Misery and Despair are like a malignant plague for us, human beings. Everyday millions of people are suffering from some type of illness/ sickness and some of us seem to enjoy it. Whether it be mental, physical, emotional or psychological. There is too much suffering but, the great thing about it, there is a cure for them all.
I don't think that we were put down here just to live life then die miserably because of some cancer, heart disease, or organ malfunction. I believe that the cure for all our sufferings is right here, right now,with us. Yes, prayer is good but what I speak of is herbs i.e. God's plants that have been healing for thousands of years.

Quick question before I continue. If a house is built upon four pillars and one or more of the pillars are completely or even partially removed, wouldn't it cause the house to tilt and therefore become unstable.

It's the same way with imbalances within the human body, which are the cause of all these diseases and illnesses. It is because something is missing, why the body cannot function as it should and since it doesn't have a physical, human-type voice to tell us what is going on i.e. what it wants, it goes haywire causing issues.

The sad thing is all this is caused mostly by the food we eat, environmental pollution and the things we allow our body to absorb through the skin such as chemically-made cosmetics. (Chemically-made means that they cooked it up in a lab.) The food we eat and what we absorb through the skin, if it is bad for us, our bodies will let us know. It views anything foreign like an intruder that comes into your house/apartment to thieve something. Like a guard dog, it WOULD attack the intruder and in attacking the intruder you will feel it in some form or fashion . whether it's heart burn from eating spicy foods or hives from consuming something that you did not know you were allergic too.

People, you have to get it through your heads. Your body talks to you all day,everyday and mostly everytime you eat. LISTEN TO IT. Don't wait until you get that heart attack or that cancer to pay attention. Don't be a masochist for punishment. Have some patience cause that pre-heart attack food wasn't the only culprit in the heart attack you had. Think back all those years ago, when you sat down to your first artery-clogging meal. Y'know the one that give you a thunderous stomach ache and heart burn.
Herbs work in the same way, Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will the junk you have been consuming be cleared in a short period of time. The problems over the years have compiled and it WILL take some time to de-commission them.
How so true is the verse ' patience my brother, wait on the Lord'. Well the Lord has delivered now have some patience and wait for his healing.

Next Issue: My Life is Destroying Me
See you then

The night Jesus came...‏

Since this, my very 1st true blog is being published around Christmas, I believe that the following poem is quite appropriate. Please note: the information was forwarded by a friend with instructions to keep it going.

It was the night Jesus came
and all through the house,
not a person was praying,
not one in the house ..

The Bible was left
on the shelf without care,
for no one thought
Jesus would come there ..

The children were dressing
to crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling
or bowing their head..

And Mom in the rocking chair
with babe on her lap,
was watching the Late Show
as I took a nap ...

When out of the east
there rose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet
to see what was the matter ...

Away to the window
I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutters
and lifted the sash ...

When what to my wondering
eyes should appear,
but Angels proclaiming
that Jesus was here ....

The light of His face
made me cover my head...
was Jesus returning
just like He'd said ...

And though I possessed
worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him
in spite of myself ...

In the Book of Life
which he held in his hand,
was written the name
of every saved man ...

He spoke not a word
as he searched for my name,
when He said 'it's not here'
My head hung in shame ....

The people whose names
had been written with love,
He gathered to take
to his Father above ...

With those who were ready
He rose without sound,
while all of the others
were left standing around ...

I fell to my knees
but it was too late,
I'd waited too long
and thus sealed my fate ...

I stood and I cried
as they rose out of sight,
Oh, if only I'd known
that this was the night ....

In the words of this poem
the meaning is clear
the coming of Jesus
is now drawing near ...

There's only one life
and when comes the last call,
We'll find out that the Bible
was true after all.

B - Basic
I - Instruction
B - Before
L - Leaving
E - Earth

Season's Greetings, Everyone
May God carry you when you cannot walk anymore

Picture courtesy