Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Death, Pain,Misery and Despair

Death, Pain, Misery and Despair are like a malignant plague for us, human beings. Everyday millions of people are suffering from some type of illness/ sickness and some of us seem to enjoy it. Whether it be mental, physical, emotional or psychological. There is too much suffering but, the great thing about it, there is a cure for them all.
I don't think that we were put down here just to live life then die miserably because of some cancer, heart disease, or organ malfunction. I believe that the cure for all our sufferings is right here, right now,with us. Yes, prayer is good but what I speak of is herbs i.e. God's plants that have been healing for thousands of years.

Quick question before I continue. If a house is built upon four pillars and one or more of the pillars are completely or even partially removed, wouldn't it cause the house to tilt and therefore become unstable.

It's the same way with imbalances within the human body, which are the cause of all these diseases and illnesses. It is because something is missing, why the body cannot function as it should and since it doesn't have a physical, human-type voice to tell us what is going on i.e. what it wants, it goes haywire causing issues.

The sad thing is all this is caused mostly by the food we eat, environmental pollution and the things we allow our body to absorb through the skin such as chemically-made cosmetics. (Chemically-made means that they cooked it up in a lab.) The food we eat and what we absorb through the skin, if it is bad for us, our bodies will let us know. It views anything foreign like an intruder that comes into your house/apartment to thieve something. Like a guard dog, it WOULD attack the intruder and in attacking the intruder you will feel it in some form or fashion . whether it's heart burn from eating spicy foods or hives from consuming something that you did not know you were allergic too.

People, you have to get it through your heads. Your body talks to you all day,everyday and mostly everytime you eat. LISTEN TO IT. Don't wait until you get that heart attack or that cancer to pay attention. Don't be a masochist for punishment. Have some patience cause that pre-heart attack food wasn't the only culprit in the heart attack you had. Think back all those years ago, when you sat down to your first artery-clogging meal. Y'know the one that give you a thunderous stomach ache and heart burn.
Herbs work in the same way, Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will the junk you have been consuming be cleared in a short period of time. The problems over the years have compiled and it WILL take some time to de-commission them.
How so true is the verse ' patience my brother, wait on the Lord'. Well the Lord has delivered now have some patience and wait for his healing.

Next Issue: My Life is Destroying Me
See you then

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