Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How this all started

t's kind of hard to even begin to explain where this all started. I thought this all started when I found out that my mom was afflicted with what people may call a death sentence, Breast Cancer. The big C. I was DEAD WRONG. It started hundreds of generations ago when people were still able to physically/audibly hear God's voice.There were illnesses and sicknessed BUT the great physicians cured from Kings to Paupers using the herbs and "wild weeds" that was growing all around.

Today these same "wild weeds" and these healing plants(herbs) are helping people reap the phenomenal benefits that was always intended for them to help them combat with the man-made evils that manifests itself in this world such as heart diseases, cancers, high blood pressure, diabeties and even touchy topics like HIV/AIDS. Not to mention ADHD,ADD,autism, asthma etc.

Back to How this all started:
For me it started when I found out that my mom was carrying breast cancer for the last 8-9 years. According to her, 8-9 years ago she discovered her a little lump whilst doing a self examination. Over time, the lump grew and as it grew it not only turned painful but also turned the entire breast into one painful mass. Already with a mass dislike for doctors[(white-coat syndrome) thank you western world], there was no way she was going there. I guess it terrified her for a few reasons (1) her mother had breast cancer and went through the chemo and of course when the cancer became resistant they sent her home to die and I guess she vowed that if she ever got it, there was no way no how she was going through that much pain (2) She couldn't even look at the word 'Cancer' without turning the page or looking away (3) my brother and I were quite young then (my older brother not even 15 then) and (4) we were scrambling as it was.

One day, she saw the word 'Cancer' again but this time around, someone said "STOP! Read this article". And so her journey to being cancer free began..oops.. I mean "spontaneous healing". According to the instructions, she was to make a tincture which would make her feel upset when all the cancer cells were gone. This along with a powerful seaweed extract called modifilan she was able over the course of 9 months to COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL TRACES OF CANCER.

A miracle? maybe. Or probably the power of the right medicine. Mind you, in addition to being strict with the regiment, A COMPLETE DIETARY LIFESTYLE CHANGE TOOK PLACE.
Among the changes included the complete removal of sugar because CANCER FEEDS OFF OF SUGAR. In addition to this processed foods were also removed along with anything that contained the words "high fructose", "hydrogenated", "hydrolyzed", "msg","monosodium glutamate". No smoked meats (the smokey taste is carcinogenic(cancer-causing).

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